Monday, June 20, 2011

Meet the Interns: JP (Ecuador)

Ten lucky undergraduates received the opportunity to intern with MEDLIFE in Peru, Ecuador, or Panama this summer.  JP Gorham, current co-Chair of MEDLIFE's Student Advisory Board, is one of them.  One of the most senior student members of MEDLIFE, JP will be leading this summer's internship program in Ecuador.  Here's what he has to say:

Where are you from?

I've lived in New Hampshire for most of my life, but my family recently moved to Denver, Colorado. I just completed my junior year at Dartmouth College where I study Biology and Global Health.
JP's other focus this summer: Launch a MEDLIFE-themed
modeling career.

Why did you start working with MEDLIFE?

When I joined MEDLIFE my freshman year, I wanted to be part of a group that approached development from multiple angles. Over the years, I have seen MEDLIFE grow in numbers and ability. We now conduct far more Mobile Clinics, and we deliver a higher quality of care.

What's your focus this summer?

Rachel and I have been interested in tackling chronic malnutrition in the Chimborazo region since we first visited two years ago. After doing some research, we found that 23% of the children under five are chronically malnourished in Ecuador, and this number increases significantly in the sierra region where we work. This summer we hope to incorporate malnutrition consults into our mobile clinics. The idea is to connect the people who need help with the existing government programs that can provide it.

What's the biggest difference between Dartmouth and Riobamba?

Fashion. At Dartmouth, I consider my flannel lined jeans to be a fashion statement. In Riobamba, the streets are full of heels, carefully coiffed hair, and sweet Nike kicks. The other interns made me aspire to Riobamba chic in my photo.

Thanks, JP!  Be on the lookout for bios from other staff and interns soon.  Tomorrow, we'll have a post from Zenobia Gonsalves' first day in Lima, Peru!

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